Tuesday 11 September 2007

My Old Portfolio Work

 This is a small collection of the art work I did when I was 21 (1983 lol), when I went back to school to get my Highter Art. I didnt study before this.  Ive always loved art but my parents thought it wasnt a money maker so made me pick other subjects to study in school at 14 - 16, hence I left school with little qualifications.  When I turned 21 and was happily settled with my husband, we decided we could afford to send me back to school and college.  This time was a golden age in my life and I treasure it still with all my heart. I want to share these pictures with you all.  



  1. Cool! The artworks are great. Love the Girl in the 5th picture from the bottom. It's my favourite.

    There is also a beautiful sensitivity in the way you draw flowers (like the Hippeastrum:)

  2. Thank you so much Flameheart for dropping by and taking the time to compliment my work. I so appreciate it. The girl in the 5th from the bottom is Diana Ross from her earlier years. x C
